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10 Must-Do’s When In Amsterdam

An enticing fusion of ancient and avant-garde, Amsterdam is a beautiful city of creative legacy. Take a walk along the cobbled streets and serene canals and you can seem a million miles from the vibrant nightlife on every corner.
  1. Dam Square
    Dam Square is the hub of the city and located on the site of the original Amstel dam. The focal point of the Square is the Royal Palace. Originally the town hall, it became regal following Louis Napoleon’s crowning in 1808.
  2. Anne Frank’s House
    In close proximity to the Square, Anne Frank’s house provides a constant reminder of Nazi occupation during the Second World War. Her infamous diary is kept here; be prepared to queue as it gets very busy during the tourist season.
  3. Rijksmuseum
    The fabulous Rijksmuseum is home to some of the most important historic art in the world. Perhaps the most famous pieces here are that by Rembrandt; the works of Frans Hals and Vermeer also feature prominently. Beautiful examples of porcelain dolls and dolls’ houses can also be seen.
  4. Van Gogh Museum
    Another unmissable illustration of fine art is exhibited at the purpose built Van Gogh Museum. Including many of his finest pieces, the Van Gogh Museum is home to the largest collection of his work in the world.
  5. Albert Cuypmarkt
    If you feel the need to shop, the Albert Cuypmarkt offers just about everything you could wish to buy. This cosmopolitan shopping region will provide your credit card fix.
  6. Queen’s Day
    A sight to behold, Queen’s Day is the celebration of all that is gay and lesbian. Music is pumped from every corner, as what seems to be the entire world’s gay population descends on Amsterdam.
  7. Vondelpark Summer
    This summer festival is held between June and August and features all forms of entertainment including open air concerts, theatre and cabaret. The fun is enjoyed by men, women and children of all ages.
  8. Holland Festival
    The Dutch certainly enjoy their festivals; this is the biggest annual arts event in the country and continues for three weeks during the month of June.
  9. Dutch Clogs
    You cannot visit Holland without at least trying on a pair of their famous wooden clogs. Other iconic souvenirs include Dutch dolls and Delft pottery. Cheese and the famous windmills are also very popular.
  10. Grand Cafes
    Amsterdam’s notorious cafes are spread densely throughout the city. Take a well earned break and try the local erwtensoep as you wet your whistle.
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Amsterdam – A Quick Guide / Tour

Pixels: Pixabay

When we talk about Amsterdam, Netherlands, it is very hard not to imagine misty cafes and scantily clothed women moving provocatively in windows with red lights. Many of the travellers from across the world return to this ultimate city of “sin” because of these sights alone. Most of them are bursting with tales of the unexpected and if you get chances to visit the place, we’re sure that you will also have your own tales to tell.

Well, Amsterdam is not just about sex and drugs; it has all the great things that Mother Earth has to offer. The Netherlands has in fact the most amount of great museums per square foot than anywhere else in the world. If you take a tram ride 10 minutes from the heart of the city, you can overwhelm yourself with those narrow streets occupied with nothing else other than the cyclist and a car every now and then. The city is in fact so quite, but interesting.

Things to See in Amsterdam

The greatly planned city of Amsterdam is one of few cities in the world where the people, the streets and the atmosphere are an attraction in themselves. It is in fact well-known throughout the world as the sole city where marijuana and hashish are sold legally. And, the world known Red Light District is just as much an attraction as a favourite hub for young men full of testosterone to go at night.

But as mentioned earlier, there is much more to the city than drugs, prostitutes and sex. The city has long been considered as the “Venice of the North” because it was built on a cobweb of canals. You can see most of the city from a canal boat, and from there you’ll surely appreciate the unique architecture that Amsterdam has long been proud to offer.

Furthermore, Amsterdam is heaving with culture. It has a lot of great museums and libraries. Of all the interesting museums in the city of Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum, Anne Frank Museum and Van Gogh Museums are names not to be missed.

Where to Eat

When you stroll around in the city of Amsterdam, you’ll find a lots of restaurants. You can see sandwich boards in front of the many restaurants advertising their daily specials and from a minute walk down the Damrak, the street facing Central Station, there are some neon lights saying “pizza”.

If you delve further into the city, you can find the Damstraat, the street on Dam Square, also peppered with eateries. Further down again towards Leidseplen, the Leidsekruisstraat and Leidsetraat have their fair share of restaurants too. It is necessary to note however that the streets mentioned are located in some of the city’s most touristy areas. So, if you wish to steer clear of such commercial centres, you can alsovisit the Jordaan as some of the city’s coolest restaurants are found there.

If you prefer not to eat out in a restaurant beyond your budget during your holiday, there are also some fast food outlets all over Amsterdam where you can get pizzas, chips or kebabs. However, just be careful when asking for mayonnaise on your French fries – They will be completely drowned!

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5 Top Tips to Get You Upgraded on Flights

Image: Pixels

Here are our top tips to help you get upgraded to business class flights for free which will help on saving money. You will be able to enjoy greater comfort and travel like a celebrity without having to pay superstar prices. By following a few simple rules, you will really increase your chances of getting moved up to the front of the plane rather than having to stay in economy class.

For many travellers, paying up to £5000 for a business class ticket in order to fly in greater comfort simply isn’t an option. However, what very few people realise is that most airlines will upgrade passengers from economy class for free – if they meet certain guidelines. In this article, We will pass on some of the things that the check in staff look for and require so that you can take advantage maybe get your upgrade for free. These five top tips come direct from the check in staff of some of the best-known airlines, and are considered by many regular travellers to be the best tips to bag yourself an upgrade.

Tip Number 1:

Look the part. Make sure that you are dressed smartly when you travel. There is almost no chance of getting a free upgrade if you are wearing shorts and a scruffy t-shirt, so at the very least, check in wearing a shirt and trousers. There is no need to go overboard and wear a suit – unless you really want to. The key is to look smart, but not like you’re trying too hard.

Tip Number 2:

Turn up early. The check-in staff know exactly how many passengers are travelling on a particular flight well in advance, so if there are seats to spare in business class, they will know straight away.

Tip Number 3:

Be Polite. Put yourself in the place of the check in staff. Would you reward a person who gives you attitude and starts shouting the odds, or someone who is pleasant and gives them the time of day. There may be 250 people in the queue behind you, so make them remember you. Flirt, smile, use their name, be nice, and you may well get a pleasant surprise.

Tip Number 4:

Be a Frequent Flier. If you join an airline’s frequent flier programme, you are far more likely to be at the front of the queue for an upgrade, as the airline will want to reward you for your loyalty. Even if you do not fly regularly, go to the airline’s website and join their programme online. It will only take a minute or two, and is well worth the time.

Tip Number 5:

Ask. They say that if you don’t ask for something, you won’t get it, so make sure you do – but do it at the right time. If the check in staff look stressed, and no amount of charm has elicited a smile, don’t bother to ask them, wait until you get to the gate. If the counter staff have responded well, when they ask you if you have any specific seat request, be cheeky and say “First Class” to them. It might just work.

Try these tips and let us know if you have any luck! Or if you have any tips of you own which have worked. There will always be different ways that work for different people. Some frequent flyers put it down to just pure luck but our top tips will help increase your chances so why not give them a try next time you fly…you never know!

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