Britons facing rush home after Cyprus taken off travel corridor

Many British currently on holiday in Cyprus, including families that are on half-term holiday, now have until 4am on Sunday to get back home or face a 2 week quarantine.

The move was announced yesterday at 5pm, after the country’s seven-day infection rate crossed the threshold of 100 per 100,000 residents.

Flights immediately increased in price for those trying to get back to the UK on Saturday October 31. Direct flights from Cyprus costing to £405 from Paphos and £371 from Larnaca within an hour of the announcement. Comparatively, direct flights on Sunday November 1 from the island to the UK were just £109. This continues to be the case as we have seen previously during this pandemic gripping the world.

This morning, there are no direct flights available to book for October 31 to avoid quarantine; options with multiple stops coming in at 13 hours travel time are also pricey at £387 one-way from Paphos. The fastest option (with one stop) back from Larnaca is £564.

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